Swim Meet Information

Meet Schedule

Summer swim meets are held on Wednesdays:

All meets at the Elks pool will begin at 9:00 am; warm-up will start at 8:00 am. The pool will be unlocked at 7:00 am. If you help set up for the meet on Tuesday night at 8 pm, you can reserve your table before you leave that evening, so you'll be set when you arrive Wednesday morning.

At the end of each Summer League season there is a City Championship Swim Meet held at Southside Swim Club. All swimmers are encouraged to represent the Elks at this meet. Swimmers must compete in a minimum of one (1) regular season meet to be eligible to swim at City Meet. Swimmers may only compete at the City Meet in races they have a time in from the regular season meets. 

10 & Under swimmers compete on June 26 (8 & under in morning session, 9-10 in the afternoon); 11 & Over swimmers compete on June 27 in the morning.

Swim Meet Info

If you are new to swim team, click here to learn a little about how swim meets work! 

Swim Meet Volunteers Needed

Our meets could not happen without TONS of parent volunteers! Every family registered with the swim team is required to work five (5) volunteer hours during the summer season. This is easy to accomplish because there are so many ways to help!

You can:

1. Work as a timer for an hour during each meet

2. Run the computer during meets at the Elks Pool (you get to be in the AC for the duration!)

3. Become a Stroke judge (you don't have to be certified for summer swim meets!)

4. Sell heat sheets before and during the first hour of the meet 

5. Setup for meets on Tuesday evenings

6. Cleanup after meets

7. Ask a Board member.....we will always have something that needs to be done!